Session 3 Session Descriptions & Rooms
Room: 613 Jack Berckmeyer, Teaching Strategies that Motivate Young Adolescents
Room: 308 Crystal Ahre, How to Incorporate Restorative Practices into your Grading and Classroom Management: Restorative Practices can have a tremendous impact on our students and their lives. Let’s not rig the system against them. Let’s help elevate their learning and understanding of the world. Come follow along this art teacher’s journey into turning classroom management and standards-based grading into a restorative learning environment.
Room: 310 Kevin Baird, (Continued) Human Intelligence - Not Artificial Intelligence! The game changer in measuring student engagement (EdTech’s Immersion Neuroscience Device): That which is measured gets done, right? How are you measuring student engagement? Come explore the EdTech disruptor which has revolutionized the way we capture engagement data for every student, in real time. You’ll see how this new tool is able to measure minute by minute what’s happening in the brain during a learning experience.
Room: 501 Kami Taylor, Beyond Play Time - Using Tech to Drive Home Content: Have you (or do you want to) purchased tech tools for your classroom but are not sure how to incorporate them into your curriculum? This session will model a tech tool lesson and give you the tools to create your own content-driven activities. The session will include hands-on practice with tech tools. Lesson plan resources will be provided. Great session for STEM coordinators or digital coaches.
Room: 502 Jaime Hill, Let’s Get Messy!!! Mathematical Modeling: Further your understanding of the research behind and the meaning of Mathematical Modeling. By analyzing the modeling cycle and examining research found in the GAIMME report, you will walk away with more insight of what truly constitutes Mathematical Modeling. And, of course, you will have the opportunity to experience several highly engaging modeling lessons. By the conclusion of this workshop, you will have ideas that can be used immediately in your classroom to meet required modeling standards!
Room: 614 Willa Jamieson, (Continued) Proficiency Based Grading: The Hows and Whys: Proficiency or Standards Based Grading is all the rage with districts across the state. There are many confusing definitions of what it is, and what it would mean for educators, as well as students when fully implemented within a classroom, school, or district. As a member of a department which made the active choice to do Proficiency Based Grading several years ago, I have experienced the bumps and potholes along the way to fully enabling our department to use this grading system. I intend to share our whys, and to give a helpful, workable definition of what Proficiency Based Grading is and what it is all about. In a second session, I will offer up a nitty-gritty means of approaching Proficiency Based Grading in the classroom and take a step-by-step journey through the process of creating Proficiency Based Assessments.
Room: 619 Carice Bulloch, Amy Gibson, Project Based Learning and Cross Curricular Integration throughout middle school classrooms: In a rapidly changing world teachers must help prepare students for an evolving workforce. Project Based Learning gives students real-world problems and leads them to answer complex questions while engaging critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. This breakout teaches how to incorporate PBL into the classroom across multiple subjects.
Room: 620 McDevan Carling, Leveraging School Vision for Student Success: Schools are large and complicated organizations, so how do we ensure that administrators, staff, and students are all on the same page? Utilizing the school vision in a meaningful way can allow everyone to strive towards the same purpose. Join a discussion on the power of effective school vision.
Room: 621 Jacob Trainor, Teenage Depression and Suicide Prevention: Come learn the most effective way to approach a student, family member, friend, etc who is struggling with depression and/or suicidal thoughts. Learn how to assist them to live a depression-free life.
Room: 613 Jack Berckmeyer, Teaching Strategies that Motivate Young Adolescents
Room: 308 Crystal Ahre, How to Incorporate Restorative Practices into your Grading and Classroom Management: Restorative Practices can have a tremendous impact on our students and their lives. Let’s not rig the system against them. Let’s help elevate their learning and understanding of the world. Come follow along this art teacher’s journey into turning classroom management and standards-based grading into a restorative learning environment.
Room: 310 Kevin Baird, (Continued) Human Intelligence - Not Artificial Intelligence! The game changer in measuring student engagement (EdTech’s Immersion Neuroscience Device): That which is measured gets done, right? How are you measuring student engagement? Come explore the EdTech disruptor which has revolutionized the way we capture engagement data for every student, in real time. You’ll see how this new tool is able to measure minute by minute what’s happening in the brain during a learning experience.
Room: 501 Kami Taylor, Beyond Play Time - Using Tech to Drive Home Content: Have you (or do you want to) purchased tech tools for your classroom but are not sure how to incorporate them into your curriculum? This session will model a tech tool lesson and give you the tools to create your own content-driven activities. The session will include hands-on practice with tech tools. Lesson plan resources will be provided. Great session for STEM coordinators or digital coaches.
Room: 502 Jaime Hill, Let’s Get Messy!!! Mathematical Modeling: Further your understanding of the research behind and the meaning of Mathematical Modeling. By analyzing the modeling cycle and examining research found in the GAIMME report, you will walk away with more insight of what truly constitutes Mathematical Modeling. And, of course, you will have the opportunity to experience several highly engaging modeling lessons. By the conclusion of this workshop, you will have ideas that can be used immediately in your classroom to meet required modeling standards!
Room: 614 Willa Jamieson, (Continued) Proficiency Based Grading: The Hows and Whys: Proficiency or Standards Based Grading is all the rage with districts across the state. There are many confusing definitions of what it is, and what it would mean for educators, as well as students when fully implemented within a classroom, school, or district. As a member of a department which made the active choice to do Proficiency Based Grading several years ago, I have experienced the bumps and potholes along the way to fully enabling our department to use this grading system. I intend to share our whys, and to give a helpful, workable definition of what Proficiency Based Grading is and what it is all about. In a second session, I will offer up a nitty-gritty means of approaching Proficiency Based Grading in the classroom and take a step-by-step journey through the process of creating Proficiency Based Assessments.
Room: 619 Carice Bulloch, Amy Gibson, Project Based Learning and Cross Curricular Integration throughout middle school classrooms: In a rapidly changing world teachers must help prepare students for an evolving workforce. Project Based Learning gives students real-world problems and leads them to answer complex questions while engaging critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. This breakout teaches how to incorporate PBL into the classroom across multiple subjects.
Room: 620 McDevan Carling, Leveraging School Vision for Student Success: Schools are large and complicated organizations, so how do we ensure that administrators, staff, and students are all on the same page? Utilizing the school vision in a meaningful way can allow everyone to strive towards the same purpose. Join a discussion on the power of effective school vision.
Room: 621 Jacob Trainor, Teenage Depression and Suicide Prevention: Come learn the most effective way to approach a student, family member, friend, etc who is struggling with depression and/or suicidal thoughts. Learn how to assist them to live a depression-free life.